Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Doune English Male From the down hill
Dour Scottish Male From the water
Dov Hebrew Male Bear.
Dovev Hebrew Male Speaks in a whisper
Dow Irish Male Black haired
Dowan Irish Male Black
Dowle Irish Male Dark stranger
Doy Celtic Male Dark stranger
Doyle Irish Male Dark stranger
Doyle Celtic Male Dark stranger
Draca English Male Dragon
Dracon English Male Modern variant of Drake d...
Drago French Male Dragon.
Drake English Male Dragon.
Drayce English Male Modern variant of Drake d...
Drefan Anglo-Saxon Male Trouble
Drem Celtic Male Mythical son of Dremidydd
Dreng Anglo-Saxon Male Warrior
Dreogan Anglo-Saxon Male Suffers
Drew English Male Abbreviation of Andrew ma...
Drew Anglo-Saxon Male Wise
Dridan English Male From the dry valley
Driden English Male From the dry valley
Driscol Irish Male Mediator
Driscol Celtic Male Interpreter
Driscoll Irish Male Mediator
Driscoll Celtic Male Interpreter
Driskell Celtic Male Interpreter
Dristan Arthurian Legend Male An advisor to Arthur
Dru French Male Variant of Andrew manly.
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