Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Edmon French Male Prosperous protector.
Edmond Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy defender
Edmond English Male Prosperous protector.
Edmond French Male Prosperous protector.
Edmondo English Male Happy defender
Edmund French Male Prosperous protector.
Edmund English Male Happy defender
Edmund Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy defender
Edmundo English Male Prosperous protector.
Edmundo French Male Prosperous protector.
Edmundo Spanish Male Wealthy protector
Edred Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Edric Anglo-Saxon Male Wealthy ruler
Edric English Male Power and good fortune.
Edrick English Male Power and good fortune.
Edrik English Male Wealthy ruler
Edsel Anglo-Saxon Male From Ed's hall
Edsel English Male From Edward's estate
Edsel German Male Noble; bright.
Edson English Male Son of the fortunate warr...
Edson Anglo-Saxon Male Ed's son
Eduard German Male German form of Edward
Eduard French Male Prosperous guardian.
Eduard English Male Wealthy guardian
Eduardo Spanish Male Prosperous guardian.
Edvard English Male Wealthy guardian
Edwald English Male Wealthy ruler
Edwaldo English Male Wealthy ruler
Edward Anglo-Saxon Male Guardian
Edward English Male Wealthy guardian
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