Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Goodwin English Male Good friend
Goodwine English Male Good friend
Goodwyn English Male Good friend
Goraidh Scottish Male Peaceful
Gordain Scottish Male Hero
Gordan Scottish Male Hero
Gordie Anglo-Saxon Male From the cornered hill
Gordon English Male From the three cornered h...
Gordon Scottish Male From the marshes. One of ...
Gordon Anglo-Saxon Male From the cornered hill
Gordy Anglo-Saxon Male From the cornered hill
Gore Arthurian Legend Male A kingdom
Gorlois Arthurian Legend Male Igraine's husband
Gormain Irish Male Blue
Gorman Irish Male Blue
Gormley Irish Male Surname.
Gorre Arthurian Legend Male A kingdom
Gorrie Irish Male Peace from God
Gorry Irish Male Peace from God
Gorsedd Celtic Male From Arbeth
Gorvenal Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Gosheven Native American Male Leaper
Gothfraidh Irish Male Peaceful
Gottfried German Male Peaceful god
Gouveniail Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Govannon Anglo-Saxon Male God of the forge
Goveniayle Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Gow Scottish Male A smith
Gowan Scottish Male A smith
Gowyn English Male God's friend
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