Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Halbart English Male Brilliant hero
Halbert English Male Brilliant hero
Halburt English Male Brilliant hero
Haldane English Male From Denmark.
Halden English Male From Denmark.
Hale English Male Lives in the hall
Halebeorht English Male Brilliant hero
Haley Irish Male Ingenious
Halford English Male From the hall by the ford
Halig Anglo-Saxon Male Holy
Haligwiella English Male Lives by the holy spring
Halim Arabic Male Gentle.
Hall English Male From the manor
Hallam English Male Lives at the hall's slope...
Halley English Male From the manor house mead...
Halliwell English Male Lives by the holy spring
Hallwell English Male Lives by the holy spring
Halsey English Male From Hal's island
Halsig English Male From Hal's island
Halstead English Male From the manor house
Halton English Male From the hillslope estate
Halwende Anglo-Saxon Male Lonely
Ham Anglo-Saxon Male Home
Hamal Arabic Male Lamb
Hamden Arabic Male Praised
Hamdun Arabic Male Praised
Hamelstun English Male From the grassy estate
Hamid Arabic Male Praised
Hamilton Scottish Male Place-name and surname of...
Hamilton French Male From the mountain town
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