Unique Baby Names

Baby Boy Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Oswell English Male Divinely powerful
Oswin English Male God's friend.
Oswine Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Oswiu Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Oswy Anglo-Saxon Male Name of a king
Otaktay Native American Male Kills many (Sioux)
Othman German Male Wealthy
Othmann German Male Wealthy
Otho German Male Wealthy
Othomann German Male Wealthy
Otis German Male Wealthy.
Otoahhastis Native American Male Tall bull (Cheyenne)
Otoahnacto Native American Male Bull bear (Cheyenne)
Otto German Male Born eighth or wealthy
Ottokar German Male Happy fighter
Ouray Native American Male Arrow
Ourson French Male Little bear
Ovadiah Hebrew Male Serves God
Ovadya Hebrew Male Serves God
Oved Hebrew Male Worker
Ovid Hebrew Male Worker
Owain Arthurian Legend Male Son of Urien
Owen Celtic Male Young fighter
Owin Celtic Male Young fighter
Owyn Celtic Male Young fighter
Oxa Anglo-Saxon Male Ox
Oxford English Male From the ox ford
Oxley English Male From the ox enclosure
Oxnaford English Male From the ox ford
Oxnaleah English Male From the ox enclosure
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