Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Luise German Female Renowned warrior
Luiza Spanish Female Feminine of Louis.
Lujza German Female Renowned warrior
Lulu English Female Pet form of the names Lou...
Lulu Native American Female Rabbit
Lundy French Female Monday
Luned Arthurian Legend Female Servant of Laudine
Lunet Arthurian Legend Female Servant of Laudine
Lunete Arthurian Legend Female Servant of Laudine
Lupe Spanish Female Wolf
Lupita Spanish Female Abbreviation of Guadalupe...
Lur Spanish Female Earth
Lurleen German Female Temptress
Lurlene German Female Temptress
Lurlina German Female Temptress
Lurline German Female Temptress
Luvena English Female Little beloved one
Luvenia Spanish Female Derived from the Roman gi...
Luvina Spanish Female Derived from the Roman gi...
Luvina English Female Little beloved one
Luvyna English Female Little beloved one
Luyu Native American Female Wild dove
Luz Spanish Female Brings light
Lyla English Female Feminine of Lyle from the...
Lyn Anglo-Saxon Female A cascade
Lyn English Female Waterfall
Lynda English Female Variant of Linda. lime tr...
Lyndall English Female Variant of Linda. lime tr...
Lyndee English Female Variant of Linda. lime tr...
Lyndi English Female Variant of Linda. lime tr...
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