Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Madison English Female Surname derived from Matt...
Madolen French Female Tower
Madra English Female Mother
Madre Spanish Female Mother
Madre English Female Mother
Mady English Female Maiden
Mady German Female Maiden
Mae French Female May. In Roman mythology M...
Mae Anglo-Saxon Female Kinswomen
Mae Hebrew Female Bitter
Maegth English Female Maiden
Maelee French Female May. In Roman mythology M...
Maelynn French Female May. In Roman mythology M...
Maertisa English Female Famous
Maeve Celtic Female A mythical queen
Maeve Irish Female Joy
Maeveen Celtic Female Nimble
Maganhildi German Female Strong battle maiden
Magd German Female Maiden
Magda Hebrew Female From the tower
Magda German Female Maiden; Abbreviation of M...
Magdala Hebrew Female From the tower
Magdalen Spanish Female Woman from Magdala. The b...
Magdalen Hebrew Female From the tower
Magdalena Spanish Female Woman from Magdala. The b...
Magdalena Hebrew Female From the tower
Magdalene Hebrew Female From the tower
Magdalene Spanish Female Woman from Magdala. The b...
Magena Native American Female Moon
Maggi English Female Abbreviation of Margaret....
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