Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Pepita Spanish Female He shall add
Perahta German Female Glorious
Perfecta Spanish Female Perfect
Perke Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Perzsi Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Perzsike Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Peta Native American Female Golden eagle (Black Foot)
Petronilla German Female Rock
Petronille German Female Rock
Petunia Native American Female Flower name
Phiala Irish Female Saintname
Philberta English Female Brilliant
Philipinna German Female Loves horses
Philippine German Female Loves horses
Phillipa French Female Loves horses
Pia Spanish Female Pious
Pierretta French Female Feminine form of Pierre
Pierrette French Female Feminine form of Pierre
Pilar Spanish Female Pillar
Piper English Female Piper
Pipere English Female Piper
Placida Spanish Female Tranquil
Polikwaptiwa Native American Female Butterfly sitting on a fl...
Poll Hebrew Female Bitter
Polly Hebrew Female Bitter
Poloma Native American Female Bow (Choctaw)
Poppy English Female Flower
Powaqa Native American Female Witch (Hopi)
Pridwyn Arthurian Legend Female Name of Arthur's ship
Primavera Spanish Female Springtime
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