Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Prudencia Spanish Female Prudent
Prunella French Female Color of plum
Prunellie French Female Color of plum
Prydwyn Arthurian Legend Female Name of Arthur's ship
Puebla Spanish Female From the city
Pules Native American Female Pigeon (Algonquin)
Pura Spanish Female Pure
Pureza Spanish Female Pure
Purisima Spanish Female Pure
Qeturah Hebrew Female Incense
Queena English Female Queen
Queenie English Female Queen
Querida Spanish Female Beloved
Quinevere Arthurian Legend Female Arthur's queen
Quinta Spanish Female Born fifth
Ra English Female Doe
Raananah Hebrew Female Unspoiled
Rabah Hebrew Female Fourth born
Rachel German Female Lamb
Rachel Hebrew Female Ewe
Rachele Hebrew Female Ewe
Rachelle French Female Lamb
Radella English Female Elfin counselor
Rae English Female Doe
Raedself English Female Elfin counselor
Rafa Arabic Female Happy
Rafela Hebrew Female Healer
Ragnall Arthurian Legend Female Gawain's wife
Rahi Arabic Female Spring
Rahil Hebrew Female Innocent
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