Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Tibeldie German Female Boldest
Tierra Spanish Female Earth.
Tiesha English Female Abbreviation of Leticia o...
Tiffanie English Female Variant of the Greek name...
Tiffanie French Female Variant of the Greek name...
Tiffney French Female Variant of the Greek name...
Tiffney English Female Variant of the Greek name...
Tikva Hebrew Female Hope
Tilda French Female Mighty in war
Tilly French Female Mighty in war
Tina English Female River
Tionna English Female Abbreviation of Tatiana.
Tiponi Native American Female Child of importance (Hopi...
Tipper Irish Female Nickname and variant of t...
Tira Scottish Female Land
Tis-see-woo-na-tis Native American Female She who bathes with her k...
Tiva Native American Female Dance (Hopi)
Tivona Hebrew Female Love's nature
Tiwesdaeg English Female Born on Tuesday
Toba Hebrew Female Goodly
Toibe Hebrew Female Goodly
Toireasa Irish Female Strong
Tomasina English Female Variant of Thomasina Twin
Tomasina Hebrew Female Twin
Tomasine Hebrew Female Twin
Tommie English Female Variant of Thomasina Twin
Toni English Female Abbreviation of Antonia a...
Tonia English Female Abbreviation of Antonia a...
Tonisha English Female Abbreviation of Antonia a...
Tony English Female Derived from Victoria tri...
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