Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Lisette German Female Devoted to God
Lisha English Female Derived from Alicia: (swe...
Lissa English Female Honey
Lissette French Female Variant of Elizabeth
Livana Hebrew Female White
Livia English Female Life. Ancient Roman name....
Liz English Female Abbreviation of Elizabeth...
Liza English Female Variation of Elizabeth. M...
Liza Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Lizabeth English Female Abbreviation of Elizabeth...
Lizandra English Female Modern blend of Liz and A...
Lizann English Female Modern blend of Liz and A...
Lizbet English Female Abbreviation of Elizabeth...
Lizbet Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Lizbeth English Female Variation of Elizabeth. M...
Lizbeth Hebrew Female Devoted to God
Lizette English Female Variation of Elizabeth. M...
Llamrei Arthurian Legend Female Arthur's horse
Llesenia Spanish Female The gypsy female lead in ...
Lodema English Female Guide
Lodima English Female Guide
Lodyma English Female Guide
Logestilla French Female Legend
Logistilla French Female Legend
Lola Spanish Female Feminine form of Carlos m...
Loleta Spanish Female Feminine form of Carlos m...
Lolita Spanish Female Feminine form of Carlos m...
Lolitta Spanish Female Feminine form of Carlos m...
Lomahongva Native American Female Beautiful clouds arising ...
Lomasi Native American Female Pretty flower
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