Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Nekane Spanish Female Sorrows
Nelda Anglo-Saxon Female From the Alder trees
Nelda English Female By the alder tree
Nelda Irish Female Champion
Nelia Spanish Female Yellow
Nelida Spanish Female Variant of Eleanor shinin...
Nell English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nella English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nellie English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nellwyn English Female Bright friend
Nelly English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nelwin English Female Bright friend
Nelwina English Female Bright friend
Nelwyna English Female Bright friend
Neomi Hebrew Female Pleasant
Neorah Hebrew Female Light
Nerea Spanish Female Mine
Nerthus Anglo-Saxon Female Name of a goddess
Nessa Scottish Female From the headland
Nessia Scottish Female From the headland
Neta Hebrew Female Grace
Neta Spanish Female Serious
Netty English Female Name ending used as an in...
Neva Spanish Female Snowy
Nevada Spanish Female Snowy
Nia English Female Derived from abbreviation...
Nicanora Spanish Female Victorious army
Nichele English Female Blend of Nichole and Mich...
Nichol French Female Feminine of Nicholas peop...
Nichole French Female Feminine of Nicholas peop...
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