Unique Baby Names

Baby Girl Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Nicki English Female Abbreviation of Nicole. V...
Nickie English Female Abbreviation of Nicole. V...
Nicola French Female People's victory
Nicolette French Female People's victory
Nieve Spanish Female Snowy
Nighean Scottish Female Young woman
Nighinn Scottish Female Young woman
Nijlon Native American Female Mistress (Algonquin)
Nikki English Female Abbreviation of Nicole. V...
Nikkie English Female Abbreviation of Nicole. V...
Nili Hebrew Female Success
Nimiane Arthurian Legend Female The Lady of the Lake
Nimue Arthurian Legend Female The Lady of the Lake
Nin Hebrew Female Grace
Nina Hebrew Female Grace
Nina Native American Female Strong
Nina Spanish Female Girl
Ninacska Hebrew Female Grace
Ninette French Female Grace
Nineve Arthurian Legend Female The Lady of the Lake
Ninon French Female Grace
Nira Hebrew Female Plow
Niria Hebrew Female Plow
Nirit Hebrew Female Plant
Nita Hebrew Female Grace
Nita Native American Female Bear (Choctaw)
Nita Spanish Female Serious
Nittawosew Native American Female She is not sterile (Algon...
Nituna Native American Female Daughter
Nitza Hebrew Female Blossom
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