Unique Baby Names

Arthurian-Legend Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Boarte Arthurian Legend Male Son of Arthur
Bodwyn Arthurian Legend Male Brother of Mark
Bohort Arthurian Legend Male Uncle of Arthur
Borre Arthurian Legend Male Son of Arthur
Bors Arthurian Legend Male Uncle of Arthur
Bran Arthurian Legend Male Father of Caradoc or Cara...
Brandeles Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Brandelis Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Branor Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Branwen Arthurian Legend Female Daughter of Llyr
Branwyn Arthurian Legend Female Daughter of Llyr
Bredbeddle Arthurian Legend Male The Green Knight
Brehus Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Brenius Arthurian Legend Male A supposed king of Britai...
Brennus Arthurian Legend Male A supposed king of Britai...
Breri Arthurian Legend Male A messenger
Breuse Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Bryan Arthurian Legend Male Lord of Pendragon
Cabal Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's dog
Cacamwri Arthurian Legend Male Servant
Cador Arthurian Legend Male Nephew of Arthur
Cadwallon Arthurian Legend Male A seventh century king
Caerleon Arthurian Legend Male Name of a battle site
Cafall Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's dog
Cai Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's brother
Calibom Arthurian Legend Male Various names for Arthur'...
Calibome Arthurian Legend Male Various names for Arthur'...
Calibor Arthurian Legend Male Various names for Arthur'...
Calibum Arthurian Legend Male Various names for Arthur'...
Calibumus Arthurian Legend Male Various names for Arthur'...
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