Unique Baby Names

Arthurian-Legend Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Igraine Arthurian Legend Female Mother of Arthur
Igrayne Arthurian Legend Female In Arthurian legend Igray...
Isdemus Arthurian Legend Male Knight of Arthur
Isolde Arthurian Legend Female Lover of Tristan
Isoud Arthurian Legend Female Lover of Tristan
Isoude Arthurian Legend Female Lover of Tristan
Ither Arthurian Legend Male Killed by Percival
Jenifer Arthurian Legend Female Variant of Jennifer commo...
Jennifer Arthurian Legend Female Fair one. Variant of Guin...
Johfrit Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Kaherdin Arthurian Legend Male Brother of Isolde
Kanelinqes Arthurian Legend Male Father of Tristan
Kardeiz Arthurian Legend Male Son of Percival
Kay Arthurian Legend Male Son of Ector
Kay Arthurian Legend Female Keeper of the keys;also a...
Ke Arthurian Legend Male Arthur's brother
Kei Arthurian Legend Male Son of Ector
Lailoken Arthurian Legend Male A fool
Lamorak Arthurian Legend Male Brother of Percival
Lamorat Arthurian Legend Male Brother of Percival
Lancelot Arthurian Legend Male Knight of Arthur and love...
Laudegrance Arthurian Legend Male Father of Guinevere
Laudine Arthurian Legend Female A widow
Launcelot Arthurian Legend Male Knight of Arthur and love...
Launfal Arthurian Legend Male A knight
Lausanne Arthurian Legend Female Lake Geneva
Leodegan Arthurian Legend Male Father of Guinevere
Leodegraunce Arthurian Legend Male Father of Guinevere
Lidoine Arthurian Legend Female Daughter of Cavalon
Lionel Arthurian Legend Male Cousin of Lancelot
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