Unique Baby Names

Celtic Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Devona Celtic Female Divine one
Devyn Celtic Male Poet
Dewain Celtic Male Song
Dillion Celtic Male Faithful
Dinsmore Celtic Male From the hill fort
Diva Celtic Female Divine one
Divone Celtic Female Divine one
Domhnall Celtic Male Stranger
Don Celtic Male Dark stranger
Donaghy Celtic Male Strong fighter
Donal Celtic Male Stranger
Donald Celtic Male Dark stranger
Donall Celtic Male Stranger
Donat Celtic Male Stranger
Donella Celtic Female Dark - haired elfin girl
Donia Celtic Female Dark - skinned
Donnally Celtic Male Brave
Donnchadh Celtic Male Strong fighter
Donnelly Celtic Male Brave
Donogb Celtic Male Strong fighter
Donovan Celtic Male Strong fighter
Doran Celtic Male Stranger
Doreen Celtic Female Moody
Doreena Celtic Female Moody
Dorran Celtic Male Stranger
Dosne Celtic Male From the sand hill
Dougal Celtic Male Dark stranger
Doughal Celtic Male Dark stranger
Doughlas Celtic Male Dwells by the dark stream
Douglas Celtic Male Dwells by the dark stream
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