Unique Baby Names

Celtic Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Henwas Celtic Male Mythical brother of Henbe...
Herne Celtic Male Mythical hunter god
Huarwar Celtic Male Mythical son of Halwn
Hueil Celtic Male Mythical son of Caw
Idelisa Celtic Female Bountiful.
Idelle Celtic Female Bountiful.
Iden Celtic Male Wealthy
Inness Celtic Male From the island
Innis Celtic Male From the island
Iona Celtic Female From the king's island
Ione Celtic Female From the king's island
Irven Celtic Male White
Irvin Celtic Male White
Irving Celtic Male White
Irvyn Celtic Male White
Isold Celtic Female The fair
Isolda Celtic Female The fair
Isolde Celtic Female The fair
Jennifer Celtic Female White wave
Jenny Celtic Female White wave
Jennyfer Celtic Female White wave
Jennyver Celtic Female White wave
Joyce Celtic Female Feminine of Jodoc
Kane Celtic Male Intelligent
Karney Celtic Male Fighter
Kayne Celtic Male Intelligent
Keaghan Celtic Male Son of Egan
Keane Celtic Male Tall and handsome
Kearney Celtic Male Fighter
Keary Celtic Male Dark
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