Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Leman English Male From the valley
Len English Male Abbreviation of Leonard.
Lena English Female Name suffix.
Lendall English Male From the linden tree dell...
Lendell English Male From the linden tree dell...
Lenn English Male Abbreviation of Leonard.
Lennell English Male Abbreviation of Leonard.
Lennie English Male Abbreviation of Leonard.
Lenny English Male Abbreviation of Leonard.
Lenora English Female Shining light. Variant of...
Leo English Male Lion.
Leoma English Female Bright
Leonora English Female Variant of Helen. In myth...
Leontyne English Female Feminine of Leon. Shining...
Leopold English Male A bold man.
Lester English Male Fortified place.
Letitia English Female Modern form of medieval n...
Letitia English Male Modern form of medieval n...
Levene English Female Issh
Leverton English Male From the rush farm
Levina English Female Issh
Levyna English Female Issh
Lew English Male Shelter
Lewis English Male Renowned fighter. Form of...
Lex English Male Abbreviation of Alexander...
Lexandra English Female Defender of mankind. Femi...
Lexann English Female Variant of Alexandra. Def...
Lexann English Male Variant of Alexandra. Def...
Lexie English Female Variant of Alexandra. Def...
Ley English Female Meadow
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