Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Leyman English Male From the valley
Liane English Female Daughter of the sun. Dimi...
Lianna English Female Daughter of the sun. Dimi...
Libby English Female Variation of Elizabeth. M...
Libby English Male Diminutive of Elizabeth.
Liberty English Female Free
Licia English Female Modern abbreviation of Al...
Liesl English Female Variation of Elizabeth. M...
Lifton English Male From tbe hillside town
Lila English Female Feminine of Lyle from the...
Lilah English Female Feminine of Lyle from the...
Lilian English Female Variant of Lillian derive...
Lilian English Male Variant of Lillian derive...
Lilibet English Female Blend of Lily: (the flowe...
Lilibeth English Female Blend of Lily: (the flowe...
Lillian English Female Variant of Lillian derive...
Lillie English Female The flower lily is a symb...
Lilly English Female The flower lily is a symb...
Lily English Female The flower lily is a symb...
Lilybell English Female Blend of Lily: (the flowe...
Lilybeth English Female Blend of Lily: (the flowe...
Lilybeth English Male Blend of Lily: (the flowe...
Lin English Female Waterfall
Lin English Male From the linden tree dell...
Lina English Female Derived from ending of Ca...
Lincoln English Male Lakeside colony. The name...
Lind English Male Lives by the linden tree
Linda English Female Lime tree; linden tree.
Lindael English Male Lives by the linden tree ...
Linddun English Male Lives by the linden tree
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