Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Nancie English Male Variant of Anne favor; gr...
Nancy English Female Variant of Anne favor; gr...
Nann English Female Variant of Anne favor; gr...
Napier English Male In charge of royal linens
Nara English Female Nearest
Neal English Male Champion Form of Neil.
Nearra English Female Nearest
Ned English Male Nickname for Edward.
Neda English Female Wealthy guardian
Nedda English Female Feminine of Ned.
Nedra English Female Feminine of Ned.
Neelie English Female Feminine of Neil champion...
Neely English Female Feminine of Neil champion...
Neila English Female Feminine of Neil champion...
Nelda English Female By the alder tree
Nell English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nella English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nellie English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nellwyn English Female Bright friend
Nelly English Female Abbreviation of Eleanor s...
Nels English Male Son of Neil.
Nelson English Male Son of Neil.
Nelwin English Female Bright friend
Nelwina English Female Bright friend
Nelwyna English Female Bright friend
Netty English Female Name ending used as an in...
Neville English Male New village.
Newell English Male From the new hall
Newland English Male Lives on the new land
Newman English Male Newcomer
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