Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Queenie English Female Queen
Quent English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentin English Male From the queen's estate
Quenton English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentrell English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quincey English Male Fifth; derived from Roman...
Quincy English Male Fifth; derived from Roman...
Quint English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quinton English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quintrell English Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Ra English Female Doe
Rad English Male Red
Radbert English Male Red haired counselor
Radbourne English Male Lives by the red stream
Radburn English Male Lives by the red stream
Radburt English Male Red haired counselor
Radbyrne English Male Lives by the red stream
Radcliff English Male From the red cliff
Radclyf English Male From the red cliff
Radeliffe English Male From the red cliff
Radella English Female Elfin counselor
Radford English Male From the red ford
Radley English Male From the red meadow
Radmund English Male Red haired defender
Radnor English Male From the red shore
Radolf English Male Red wolf
Radolph English Male Red wolf
Rae English Female Doe
Raed English Male Red
Raedanoran English Male From the red shore
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