Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Raedburne English Male Lives by the red stream
Raedclyf English Male From the red cliff
Raedeman English Male Red haired horseman
Raedford English Male From the red ford
Raedleah English Male From the red meadow
Raedmund English Male Red haired defender
Raedpath English Male Lives near the red path
Raedself English Female Elfin counselor
Raedwolf English Male Red wolf
Rafe English Male Shield wolf
Raff English Male Red wolf
Ragnar English Male Strong counselor. Ancient...
Raleah English Male From the roe deer meadow
Raleich English Male Deer's meadow.
Raleigh English Male From the roe deer meadow
Raley English Male From the roe deer meadow
Ralf English Male Red wolf
Rally English Male From the roe deer meadow
Ralph English Male Red wolf
Ralston English Male Ralph's town Surname.
Ram English Male Ram
Ramm English Male Ram
Ramsay English Male From Ram's island
Ramsden English Male From the ram's valley
Ramsey English Male Ram's island.
Ramzey English Male Ram's island.
Ramzi English Male Ram's island.
Rand English Male Variants of Randolph Wolf...
Randal English Male Shield wolf Variant of Ra...
Randale English Male Variants of Randolph Wolf...
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