Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Raydon English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayford English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayhourne English Male From the deer's stream
Rayhurn English Male From the deer's stream
Raylen English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayne English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Raynell English Male Counselor. Variant of Ray...
Rayner English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Raynor English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Raynord English Male Strong counselor. From th...
Read English Male Red haired
Reade English Male Redheaded. Surname.
Reading English Male Son of Reed
Readman English Male Red haired counselor
Reave English Male Steward
Reaves English Male Son of Reeve
Redamann English Male Red haired counselor
Redd English Male Redheaded. Surname.
Redding English Male Son of Reed
Redford English Male From the reedy ford. Old ...
Redley English Male From the red meadow
Redman English Male Red haired counselor
Redmond English Male Red haired defender
Redmund English Male Red haired defender
Redwald English Male Strong counsel
Reece English Male Ardent; fiery.
Reed English Male Redheaded. Surname.
Reeford English Male Surname. The medieval cas...
Reese English Male Ardent; fiery.
Reeve English Male Steward
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