Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Rye English Male Island meadow.
Rygecroft English Male From the rye field
Rygeland English Male From the rye land
Rygemann English Male Rye merchant
Rylan English Male Island meadow.
Ryland English Male From the rye land Island ...
Ryleigh English Male Island meadow.
Ryley English Male Island meadow.
Ryman English Male Rye merchant
Rysc English Male Rush
Ryscford English Male Lives near the rush ford
Ryton English Male Rygetun - from the rye fa...
Sabrina English Female Legendary princess
Saebeorht English Male Glory at sea
Saeger English Male Seaman
Saelig English Male From the happy meadow
Saewald English Male Sea powerful
Saeweard English Male Sea guardian
Safford English Male From the willow ford
Sagar English Male Wise one. Surname.
Sage English Male Wise one.
Salford English Male From the willow ford
Salhdene English Male From the willow valley
Salhford English Male From the willow ford
Salhtun English Male Lives near the willow far...
Sallsbury English Male From the fortified keep
Salton English Male Lives near the willow far...
Sanborn English Male From the sandy brook
Sanbourne English Male From the sandy brook
Sanders English Male Alexander's son
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