Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Stroud English Male From the thicket
Stuart English Male Bailiff
Sty]es English Male Stiles
Sue English Female Lily. Variant of Susannah...
Sueanne English Female Lily. Variant of Susannah...
Suellen English Female Lily. Variant of Susannah...
Suffield English Male From the south field
Sully English Male From the south meadow
Suma English Female Born during the summer
Sumernor English Male Summoner
Sumerton English Male From the summer estate
Sumertun English Male From the summer estate
Summer English Female Born during the summer
Sumner English Male Summoner
Sunny English Female Cheerful
Susie English Female Lily. Variant of Hebrew S...
Susy English Female Lily. Variant of Susannah...
SutcIyf English Male From the south cliff
Sutcliff English Male From the south cliff
Suthclif English Male From the south cliff
Suthfeld English Male From the south field
Suthleah English Male From the south meadow
Suthley English Male From the south meadow
Suttecliff English Male From the south cliff
Sutton English Male From the south farm
Suzanna English Male Lily. In the apocryphal B...
Suzanna English Female Lily. In the apocryphal B...
Suzy English Female Lily. Variant of Susannah...
Swain English Male Knight's attendant
Swayn English Male Knight's attendant
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