Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Torley English Male From Thor's meadow
Torn English Male From the thom tree
Torr English Male Tower
Torrey English Male From the craggy hills.
Torrey English Female Derived from Victoria tri...
Torrie English Female Derived from Victoria tri...
Tory English Male From the craggy hills. Su...
Tosha English Female Abbreviation of Natasha -...
Tostig English Male Name of an earl
Toukere English Male Tucker of doth
Tournour English Male Lathe worker
Towley English Male From the town meadow
Townly English Male From the town meadow
Townsend English Male From the end of the town
Trace English Male From Thracia. Surname dat...
Tracee English Female Variant of Tracy from Thr...
Traci English Female Variant of Tracy from Thr...
Tracy English Male From Thracia. Surname dat...
Tramaine English Male From the big town.
Traveon English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Travion English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Travis English Male Crossing; crossroads.
Travon English Male Fair town. Abbreviation o...
Treadway English Male Strong warrior
Tredway English Male Strong warrior
Tremain English Male From the big town.
Tremaine English Male From the big town.
Tremayne English Male From the big town.
Trent English Male Refers to the English riv...
Trenten English Male Refers to the English riv...
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