Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Trowbrydge English Male From the tree bridge
Trowhridge English Male From the tree bridge
Troy English Male Troy derives from the anc...
Troye English Male Troy derives from the anc...
True English Male Loyal
Truesdale English Male From the beloved one's fa...
Truesdell English Male From the beloved one's fa...
Truitestall English Male From the beloved one's fa...
Truman English Male Loyal
Trumbald English Male Strong or bold
Trumble English Male Strong or bold
Trumen English Male Loyal
Trumhall English Male Strong or bold
Tryp English Male Traveler
Trypp English Male Traveler
Tucker English Male Tucker of doth
Tuckere English Male Tucker of doth
Tuesday English Female Born on Tuesday
Tunleah English Male From the town meadow
Tupper English Male Ram herder
Tuppere English Male Ram herder
Turner English Male Lathe worker
Twain English Male Cut in two
Twein English Male Cut in two
Twiford English Male From the double river for...
Twitchel English Male Lives on a narrow passage
Twitchell English Male Lives on a narrow passage
Twyford English Male From the double river for...
Twyla English Female Woven
Ty English Male Abbreviation for names be...
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