Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Ulmarr English Male Wolf famous
Ulvelaik English Male Wolf sport
Una English Female One.
Unwin English Male Unfriendly
Unwine English Male Unfriendly
Unwyn English Male Unfriendly
Upchurch English Male From the upper church
Upton English Male From the upper farm
Uptun English Male From the upper farm
Upwode English Male From the upper forest
Upwood English Male From the upper forest
Usbeorn English Male Divine warrior
Vail English Male Lives in the valley
Val English Male Strong. Variant of Valent...
Vale English Male Lives in the valley
Valen English Male Strong. Variant of Valent...
Valentine English Male Strong. Variant of Valent...
Valerie English Female Strong; valiant. Feminine...
Valiant English Male Brave
Vallen English Male Strong. Variant of Valent...
Vance English Male Marshland.
Vannes English Male Grain fans
Vareck English Male From the fortress
Varek English Male From the fortress
Varik English Male From the fortress
Vayle English Male Lives in the valley
Velouette English Female Soft
Velvet English Female Soft
Vern English Male Surname related to Vernon...
Verne English Male Surname related to Vernon...
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