Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Baxter English Male Baker
Bay English Male Variant of Bayard - aubu...
Bayard English Male Auburn-haired.
Bayhard English Male Reddish brown hair
Baylee English Female Courtyard within castle w...
Baylen English Male Variant of Bayard - aubu...
Bayley English Female Courtyard within castle w...
Bayley English Male Steward or public officia...
Baylie English Female Courtyard within castle w...
Beacher English Male Lives by the beech tree
Beadu English Female Warrior maid
Beadutun English Male From the warrior's estate
Beal English Male Handsome.
Beale English Male Handsome.
Beall English Male Handsome.
Beaman English Male Beekeeper
Beamer English Male Trumpeter
Beaton English Male From the warrior's estate
Becca English Female Abbreviation of Rebecca.
Beceere English Male Lives by the beech tree
Beck English Male Brook
Becki English Female Abbreviation of Rebecca.
Becky English Female Abbreviation of Rebecca.
Beda English Female Warrior maid
Bede English Male Prayer
Beecher English Male Lives by the beech tree
Bek English Male Brook
Beldan English Male Lives in the beautiful gl...
Beldane English Male Lives in the beautiful gl...
Belden English Male Lives in the beautiful gl...
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