Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Blaze English Male Stutters
Blessing English Female Consecrated
Bletsung English Female Consecrated
Bliss English Female Joy; cheer. Used from med...
Bliss English Male Happy
Blisse English Female Joy; cheer. Used from med...
Blithe English Female Cheerful
Bliths English Female Joy
Blondell English Female Fair-haired; blonde. Vari...
Blondelle English Female Fair-haired; blonde. Vari...
Blondene English Female Fair-haired; blonde. Vari...
Blossom English Female Fresh
Blostm English Female Fresh
Blyss English Female Joy; cheer. Used from med...
Blysse English Female Joy; cheer. Used from med...
Blyth English Male Merry
Blythe English Female Blithe; lighthearted; che...
Blythe English Male Merry
Bo English Female Nickname made popular by ...
Bob English Male Abbreviation of Robert.
Bobbi English Female Modern diminutive of Robe...
Bobbie English Male Abbreviation of Robert.
Bobby English Male Abbreviation of Robert.
Boc English Male Male deer
Bocleah English Male Lives at the buck meadow
Bocley English Male Lives at the buck meadow
Boda English Male Herald
Bolton English Male From the manor farm
Bond English Male Tied to the land
Bondig English Male Free
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