Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Carter English Male Drives a cart
Cartere English Male Drives a cart
Cartland English Male From the land between the...
Carvel English Male From the villa by the mar...
Carvell English Male From the villa by the mar...
Carver English Male Carves wood or sculpts
Caryl English Female Feminine of Carl; joy
Caryn English Female Modern variant of Karen.
Carynn English Female Modern variant of Karen.
Cassi English Female Abbreviation of Cassandra...
Cassie English Female Abbreviation of Cassandra...
Cassy English Female Abbreviation of Cassandra...
Caster English Male From the Roman camp
Cathi English Female Form of the Greek Catheri...
Cathia English Female Form of the Greek Catheri...
Cathie English Female Form of the Greek Catheri...
Cathy English Female Form of the Greek Catheri...
Catrice English Female Modern blend of Catrina a...
Cayle English Male Bold
Ceapmann English Male Merchant
Ceaster English Male Lives at the camp
Ceastun English Male Camp
Cedra English Female Modern feminine of Cedric...
Cedric English Male Battle leader
Cedrica English Female Modern feminine of Cedric...
Cedrina English Female Modern feminine of Cedric...
Celdtun English Male From the farm by the spri...
Cenehard English Male Bold guardian
Cenewig English Male Bold warrior
Cenewyg English Male Bold warrior
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