Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Cleavon English Male Cliff.
Cleon English Male From the cliff
Cleva English Female Dwells at the cliffs
Cleve English Male cliffs; Abbreviation of C...
Cleveland English Male From the cliff land
Clevon English Male From the cliff
Cliff English Male Lives by the ford near th...
Clifford English Male Lives by the ford near th...
Cliffton English Male From the farm near the cl...
Clifland English Male From the cliff land
Clifton English Male From the farm near the cl...
Cliftun English Male From the farm near the cl...
Clint English Male From the headland estate
Clinton English Male From the headland estate....
Clinttun English Male From the headland estate
Clintwood English Male hillside.
Clive English Male Lives at the cliffs
Clover English Female Clover
Clyffton English Male From the farm near the cl...
Clyfland English Male From the cliff land
Clyford English Male Cliff-side ford.
Clyftun English Male From the farm near the cl...
Clyve English Male Lives at the cliffs
Coburn English Male Surname and place name.
Coby English Male Variant of Coburn.
Codee English Female Helpful.
Codell English Male Helpful.
Codey English Male Helpful.
Codi English Male A cushion
Codi English Female Cushion. Helpful.
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