Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Corwyn English Male Friend of the heart
Cory English Female From the round hill; seet...
Cory English Male hill; hollow.
Coulter English Male Variant of Colt young hor...
Countess English Female Titled. Feminine equivale...
Court English Male Courtier; court attendant...
Courtenay English Male Courtier; court attendant...
Courtland English Male Lives at the farmstead
Courtlyn English Female Courtly; courteous.
Courtney English Female Courtly; courteous.
Courtney English Male Courtier; court attendant...
Covell English Male Lives at the cave slope
Covyll English Male Lives at the cave slope
Crandall English Male From the crane valley
Crandell English Male From the crane valley
Cranleah English Male From the crane meadow
Cranley English Male From the crane meadow
Cranly English Male From the crane meadow
Cranston English Male From the crane estate
Cranstun English Male From the crane estate
Crawford English Male From the crow's ford
Creed English Male Belief; guiding principle...
Creighton English Male Lives at the creek town
Creketun English Male Lives at the creek town
Crespin English Male Curly-haired. The 3rd cen...
Crichton English Male From the town by the cree...
Crispin English Male Curly-haired. The 3rd cen...
Cristen English Female Variant of Christian.
Cristin English Female Variant of Christian.
Cristyn English Female Variant of Christian.
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