Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Fitzgerald English Male Son of Gerald. Surname.
Fitzgibbon English Male Son of Gilbert
Fitzgilbert English Male Son of Gilbert
Fitzhugh English Male Son of Hugh
Fitzjames English Male Son of James
Fitzpatrick English Male Son of Patrick. Surname.
Fitzsimmons English Male Son of Simon
Fitzsimon English Male Son of Simon
Fitzsimons English Male Son of Simon
Fitzwalter English Male Son of Walter
Fitzwater English Male Son of Walter
Flair English Female Style; verve.
Fleming English Male Dutchman
Fleta English Female Swift
Fletcher English Male Arrowmaker.
Flint English Male Place-name and surname. F...
Florence English Female Flowering.
Floyd English Male Variant of Lloyd.
Flynt English Male A stream
Flyta English Female Swift
Fonda English Female Tender
Ford English Male River crossing
Forde English Male A shallow place used to c...
Forest English Male Keeps the forest Woodland...
Forester English Male forest-ranger Surname.
Forrest English Male Woodland.
Forrester English Male Keeps the forest
Foster English Male Keeps the forest forest-r...
Fowler English Male Game warden
Fraine English Male Foreigner
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