Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Fuller English Male Cloth thickener
Fullere English Male Cloth thickener
Fulton English Male From the people's estate
Fytch English Male Ermine
Gaarwine English Male Friend with a spear
Gabi English Female Variant of Gabriela. God'...
Gabriell English Female Variant of Gabriela. God'...
Gaby English Female Variant of Gabriela. God'...
Gael English Female Joyful. Abbreviation of A...
Gail English Female Lively. Joyful. Abbreviat...
Gail English Male Lively
Gaila English Female Joyful. Abbreviation of A...
Gala English Female festive party. Joyful. Ab...
Gale English Male Lively
Gale English Female Lively. Joyful. Abbreviat...
Galea English Female festive party.
Galen English Female festive party.
Galena English Female festive party.
Galeun English Male From the town on the high...
Galina English Female Variant of Helen. In myth...
Galt English Male From the high ground
Galton English Male From the town on the high...
Gann English Male Spear protector
Gannon English Male Speannan
Gar English Male Spear
Garaden English Male From the three cornered h...
Garadin English Male From the three cornered h...
Garadun English Male From the three cornered h...
Garadyn English Male From the three cornered h...
Garafeld English Male From the triangular field
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