Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Garatun English Male Lives in the triangular f...
Gard English Male Keeper of the garden. Sur...
Gardenia English Female The flower.
Gardiner English Male Gardener
Gardner English Male Keeper of the garden. Sur...
Gared English Male Variant of Garret from Ge...
Garet English Male Brave with a spear
Garett English Male Variant of Gerald rules b...
Garey English Male Spear.
Garfield English Male From the triangular field
Gariland English Male From the spear land
Garland English Male From the spear land
Garman English Male Speannan
Garmann English Male Speannan
Garmond English Male Spear protector
Garmund English Male Spear protector
Garnell English Male Keeper of grain. Surname.
Garner English Male Keeper of grain. Surname.
Garnet English Female A dark-red gemstone named...
Garnet English Male Armed with a spear
Garnett English Male Armed with a spear
Garr English Male Spear
Garrad English Male Variant of Garret from Ge...
Garrard English Male Brave with a spear
Garred English Male Variant of Garret from Ge...
Garret English Male Variant of Gerald rules b...
Garrett English Male Variant of Gerald rules b...
Garrey English Male Spear.
Garrick English Male Rules by the spear
Garrison English Male Spear-fortified town.
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