Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Guyon English Male Lively.
Gylda English Female Gilded
Gyldan English Female Gilded
Gypsy English Female Wanderer
Gytha English Female Gift
Hadden English Male From the heath
Haddon English Male From the heath
Haden English Male From the heath
Hadley English Female Field of heather. Surname...
Hadley English Male From the heath covered me...
Hadon English Male From the heath
Hadrian English Male Son of Adrian
Hadwin English Male War friend
Hadwyn English Male War friend
Haefen English Male Safety
Haele English Male Lives in the hall
Haesel English Female Nut
Haestingas English Male Violent
Haethowine English Male War friend
Hagaleah English Male From the hedged meadow
Hagalean English Male From the hedged enclosure
Hagaward English Male Keeper of the hedged encl...
Hagley English Male From the hedged enclosure
Hagly English Male From the hedged enclosure
Haig English Male From the hedged enclosure
Hailey English Female Field of hay. Usually a s...
Hal English Male A nickname for Henry Rule...
Halbart English Male Brilliant hero
Halbert English Male Brilliant hero
Halburt English Male Brilliant hero
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