Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Hannah English Female Favor; grace. Biblical mo...
Hannalee English Female Favor; grace. Biblical mo...
Harac English Male From the ancient oak tree
Haraford English Male From the hare's ford
Harden English Male From the hare's valley
Hardin English Male From the hare's valley
Harding English Male From the hare's valley
Hardwin English Male Brave friend
Hardwyn English Male Brave friend
Hardyn English Male From the hare's valley
Hare English Male Rabbit
Harelache English Male Lives at the hare's lake
Hareleah English Male From the hare's meadow
Harford English Male From the hare's ford
Hargrove English Male From the hare's grove
Harlak English Male Lives at the hare's lake
Harlake English Male Lives at the hare's lake
Harlan English Male From the hare's land
Harland English Male Meadow of the hares. Vari...
Harleen English Female Meadow of the hares. Femi...
Harleigh English Male From the hare's meadow
Harlen English Male Meadow of the hares. Vari...
Harley English Male From the hare's meadow
Harlie English Female Meadow of the hares. Femi...
Harlon English Male Meadow of the hares. Vari...
Harlow English Male Meadow of the hares. Vari...
Harlowe English Male From the hare's hill
Harmonee English Female Unity; concord; musically...
Harmonie English Female Unity; concord; musically...
Harold English Male Army commander.
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