Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Harper English Male Harpist; minstrel.
Harriet English Female Rules her household. Femi...
Harriman English Male Surname.
Harris English Male Son of Harry
Harrison English Male Son of Harry Surname.
Harry English Male Army man
Hart English Male Stag Strong; brave. Surna...
Harte English Male Strong; brave. Surname.
Hartford English Male From the stag's ford
Hartley English Male From the stag's meadow
Hartman English Male Strong; brave. Surname.
Hartun English Male From the gray estate
Hartwell English Male Lives near the stag's spr...
Hartwood English Male From the stag's forest
Harvey English Male Bitter Eager for battle.
Haslet English Male From the hazel tree land
Haslett English Male From the hazel tree land
Hastings English Male Violent
Hattie English Female Rules her household. Femi...
Haven English Male place of safety; shelter.
Havyn English Male Safety
Hawley English Male From the hedged meadow
Hawly English Male From the hedged meadow
Hayden English Male From the hedged in valley
Haydon English Male From the hedged in valley
Hayes English Male From the hedged land
Hayle English Male Lives in the hall
Hayley English Female From the hay meadow
Haylie English Female Field of hay. Usually a s...
Hayward English Male Keeper of the hedged encl...
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