Unique Baby Names

English Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Haywood English Male From the hedged forest
Hazel English Female The hazel tree;nut.
Hazell English Female The hazel tree;nut.
Heahweard English Male Chief guardian
Healhtun English Male From the hillslope estate
Heall English Male From the manor
Healleah English Male From the manor house mead...
Heallfrith English Female Peaceful home
Heallstede English Male From the manor house
Healum English Male Lives at the hall's slope...
Healy English Male From the slope land
Heanford English Male From the high ford
Heanleah English Male From the high meadow
Heardind English Male From the hare's valley
Heardwine English Male Brave friend
Hearne English Male Mythical hunter
Hearpere English Male Harpist
Heath English Male Untended land where flowe...
Heathcliff English Male From the heath cliff
Heathclyf English Male From the heath cliff
Heathdene English Male From the heath
Heather English Female A flowering evergreen pla...
Heathleah English Male From the heath covered me...
Heathley English Male From the heath covered me...
Helena English Female Variant of Helen. In myth...
Helton English Male From the hillslope estate
Henry English Male Rules his household. Oft-...
Heort English Male Stag
Heortwiella English Male Lives near the stag's spr...
Heortwode English Male From the stag's forest
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