Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Diahann French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Diahna French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Diamanta French Female Diamond
Dian French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Diana French Female From the Greek goddess of...
Diandra French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Diandre French Male Blend of Dion and Andre.
Diane French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Dianna French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Diannah French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Dianne French Female Divine. Mythological anci...
Didier French Male Desired
Dilan French Male Like a lion.
Dillen French Male Like a lion.
Dillon French Male Like a lion.
Dion French Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Diondre French Male Blend of Dion and Andre.
Dionte French Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Dior French Female Related to D'Or meaning g...
Dix French Male ten
Dixie French Female Born tenth
Domenique French Female Of the Lord. Variant of D...
Dominique French Female Of the Lord. Variant of D...
Dominique French Male Of the Lord. From the Lat...
Donatien French Male Gift
Dondre French Male Abbreviation of Dionysius...
Dore French Female Blonde
Doreen French Female Blonde
Dorene French Female Blonde
Dorine French Female Blonde
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