Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Fontaine French Male Fountain; water source.
Fontane French Male Fountain; water source.
Fontanne French Female Fountain; spring.
Fontayne French Male Fountain; water source.
Fonteyne French Male Fountain; water source.
Forrest French Male From the woods
Fortun French Male Lucky
Fortune French Male Lucky
France French Female From France
Francena French Female Variant of Frances meanin...
Francene French Female Variant of Frances meanin...
Francille French Female Variant of Frances meanin...
Francina French Female Variant of Frances meanin...
Francine French Female Variant of Frances meanin...
Francois French Male Free; a free man.
Francoise French Female From France or free one. ...
Frank French Male Free; a free man. See als...
Frankie French Male Diminutive of Frank Free;...
Franky French Male Diminutive of Frank Free;...
Frederic French Male Peaceful ruler.
Freman French Male Free man; a man freed fro...
Fremont French Male Free man; a man freed fro...
Gabrielle French Female God's able-bodied one. Fe...
Gace French Male Pledge.
Gaetan French Male Fom Gaete
Gaetana French Female From Gaete
Gaetane French Female From Gaete
Gala French Female From Gaul
Galatee French Female White
Galla French Female From Gaul
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