Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Gustav French Male Royal staff.
Gustave French Male Royal staff.
Guy French Male Guide
Halette French Female Little Hal
Hamilton French Male From the mountain town
Hanrietta French Female Rules the home
Hanriette French Female Rules the home
Harbin French Male Glorious warrior
Harcourt French Male From the fortified farm
Hardouin French Male Name of a count
Harman French Male Variant of Herman.
Harmen French Male Variant of Herman.
Harmon French Male Variant of Herman.
Harriet French Female Rules the home
Harriett French Female Rules her household. Femi...
Harrietta French Female Rules the home
Harriette French Female Rules the home
Hedvige French Female Fighter
Helaine French Female Variant of Helen. In myth...
Helene French Female Variant of Helen. In myth...
Heloise French Female French form of Louise
Henri French Male Variant of English Henry ...
Henrietta French Female Keeper of the hearth. Rul...
Henriette French Female Keeper of the hearth
Henry French Male Rules the home
Herbert French Male Illustrious warrior.
Hettie French Female From Henrietta. Rules her...
Hilaire French Female French form of Hilary Joy...
Holly French Female Shrub
Honore French Female Honor. Good name and inte...
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