Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Lance French Male Lancer.
Lancelin French Male Servant
Lancelot French Male Servant
Landers French Male From the grassy plain
Landis French Male From the grassy plain
Langley French Male Englishman
Laramie French Male Surname with American con...
Larue French Male The red-haired one.
Lasalle French Male The hall.
Latimer French Male Interprets Latin
Launcelot French Male Servant
Laurel French Female Laurel
Lauren French Female Laurel
Laurene French Female Laurel
Laurent French Male From the place of the lau...
Laurette French Female Little laurel; The laurel...
Lavern French Female Woodland.
Laverna French Female Born in the spring
Laverne French Female Woodland.
Lavernia French Female Born in the spring
Laycie French Female Derived from Lacey which ...
Leal French Male Faithful
Leala French Female Loyal
Lealia French Female Loyal
Leandre French Male Form of Leander. Lionlike...
Leeroy French Male The king.
Legget French Male Delegate
Lela French Female loyalty
Lenard French Male Lion-bold.
Lennard French Male Lion-bold.
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