Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Lili French Female The flower lily is a symb...
Liliane French Female Variant of Lillian derive...
Linette French Female Little lion
Lionel French Male Young lion.
Lionell French Male Young lion.
Liriene French Female Reads aloud
Lirienne French Female Reads aloud
Lise French Female Abbreviation of Elisabeth...
Lisle French Male From the island
Lissette French Female Variant of Elizabeth
Logestilla French Female Legend
Logistilla French Female Legend
Lonell French Male Young lion.
Lonnell French Male Young lion.
Loraina French Female Derived from Lorraine whi...
Loraine French Female Derived from Lorraine whi...
Lorayne French Female Derived from Lorraine whi...
Lorin French Female Variant of Lawrence meani...
Loring French Male From Lorraine
Lorraina French Female Derived from Lorraine whi...
Lorraine French Female From Lorraine
Lothair French Male Fighter
Lotye French Female Tiny and womanly
Louella French Female Renowned fighter. Feminin...
Louis French Male Famous in war Form of Law...
Louisa French Female Renowned fighter. Feminin...
Louise French Female Renowned fighter. Feminin...
Louvel French Male Little wolf
Lovell French Male Young wolf.
Lowe French Male Little wolf
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