Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Lowell French Male Young wolf.
Loyal French Male True
Luc French Male Light; illumination. Form...
Lucette French Female light; illumination.
Lucian French Male Form of Luke. Light; illu...
Lucie French Female light; illumination.
Lucien French Male Form of Luke. Light; illu...
Lucienne French Female Diminutive form of Lucia ...
Lucile French Female Light
Lucille French Female Light
Lucrece French Female From the Latin Lucretia H...
Lundy French Female Monday
Lyle French Male Islander.
Lynnette French Female Little lion
Lyonette French Female Little lion
Lyra French Female Of the Iyre or song
Lyric French Female Of the Iyre or song
Mabelle French Female Lovable.
Macee French Female Derived from medieval mal...
Macey French Female Derived from medieval mal...
Macy French Female Derived from medieval mal...
Madalene French Female Woman from Magdala. Varia...
Maddy French Female Woman from Magdala. Varia...
Madeleina French Female Tower
Madeleine French Female Tower
Madelina French Female Woman from Magdala. Varia...
Madeline French Female Woman from Magdala. Varia...
Madelon French Female Woman from Magdala. Varia...
Madelon French Male Woman from Magdala. Varia...
Madie French Female Tower
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