Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Nichol French Male Feminine of Nicholas peop...
Nichole French Female Feminine of Nicholas peop...
Nicola French Female People's victory
Nicolas French Male Victorious; conquerer of ...
Nicolette French Female People's victory
Ninette French Female Grace
Ninon French Female Grace
Noel French Female Christmas
Noel French Male Christmas
Noele French Female Birthday. Feminine of Noe...
Noell French Female Birthday. Feminine of Noe...
Noell French Male Birthday. Feminine of Noe...
Noella French Female Christmas
Noelle French Female Birthday. Feminine of Noe...
Noemie French Female Variant of Hebrew Naomi P...
Noreis French Male Caretaker
Norice French Male Caretaker
Norm French Male From the north
Norman French Male From the north
Normand French Male From the north
Norris French Male Caretaker
Nouel French Male Akernel
Nynette French Female Variant of Anne prayer. N...
Octave French Male Born eighth
Odeletta French Female Little spring
Odelette French Female Little spring
Odette French Female Wealthy.
Odila French Female Wealthy.
Odile French Female Wealthy.
Odo French Male Name of a bishop
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