Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Pascal French Male Born on Easter
Pascala French Female Born at Easter
Pascale French Female Born at Easter
Pascaline French Female Born at Easter
Pasclina French Female Born at Easter
Pascual French Male Born on Easter
Pasquale French Male Born on Easter
Patience French Female Enduring
Patric French Male Patrician; noble. Form of...
Patrice French Female Noble
Paul French Male Little. Biblical apostle ...
Pensee French Female Thoughtful
Pepperell French Male Piper
Peppin French Male Name of a king
Perceval French Male Pierces.
Percival French Male Pierce
Percy French Male Pierces.
Perren French Male French form of Peter
Perrin French Male French form of Peter
Perry French Male French form of Peter
Perryn French Male French form of Peter
Peverell French Male Piper
Philip French Male Loves horses
Philippe French Male Loves horses
Phillipa French Female Loves horses
Phillipe French Male Loves horses
Pierpont French Male Lives by the stone bridge
Pierre French Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Pierrepont French Male Lives by the stone bridge
Pierretta French Female Feminine form of Pierre
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