Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Pierrette French Female Feminine form of Pierre
Piers French Male A rock. Form of Peter.
Piperel French Male Piper
Pippin French Male Name of a king
Plat French Male From the flat land
Platt French Male From the flat land
Pomeroy French Male Lives near the apple orch...
Pommelraie French Male Lives near the apple orch...
Porter French Male Gatekeeper
Porteur French Male Gatekeeper
Portier French Male Gatekeeper
Preruet French Male Brave
Prewitt French Male Brave
Priour French Male Head of a priory
Pruet French Male Brave
Pruie French Male Brave
Pruitt French Male Brave
Prunella French Female Color of plum
Prunellie French Female Color of plum
Pryor French Male Head of a priory
Quennel French Male From the little oak tree
Quent French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentin French Male Fifth.
Quenton French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quentrell French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quesnel French Male From the little oak tree
Quincey French Male From the place owned by t...
Quincy French Male From the place owned by t...
Quint French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
Quinton French Male Variant of Quentin fifth....
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