Unique Baby Names

French Baby Names

Baby Name Origin Gender Meaning
Roxanne French Female Dawn
Roy French Male Regal
Royal French Male Regal
Royale French Female Regal
Royce French Male Son of Roy
Royden French Male From the king's hill
Rubie French Female Jewel
Ruby French Female Jewel
Ruelle French Male Famous wolf
Ruff French Male Red haired
Ruffe French Male Red haired
Rui French Male Regal
Rule French Male Famous wolf
Rush French Male Red haired
Rushe French Male Red haired
Rushkin French Male Red haired
Russ French Male Form of Rufus Red-haired.
Russel French Male Form of Rufus Red-haired.
Russell French Male Reddish
Rust French Male Red haired
Saber French Male Sword
Sage French Male Wise one.
Sargent French Male A squire
Satordi French Male Saturn
Sauville French Male From the willow farm
Saville French Male From the willow farm
Searlait French Female Tiny and womanly
Searlas French Male Manly
Searle French Male Manly
Searlus French Male Manly
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